Tethered Places and Sacred Spaces

08.16.2022, A panicked call, concerned by the doctor’s words. Of positivity, and not willing to acknowledge the possibilities. 09.03.2022, Today my sister marries the love of her life, but you can’t be here. After the first round of chemo, your body feels weak. 09.21.2022, This is not the place for me to sit and watch as you crumble. Overwhelming support and an aggressive push for me to be with you. 09.23.2022, I’m coming home. My parents have waited for this. 10.01.2022, Home. Halloween movies with mom. Car lights and a surprise call from you, bringing me a pint of ice cream. “I can tell he’s so happy you’re here.” 10.06.2022, A temporary making space, surrounded by cement blocks. This will become my sanctuary. 

10.11.2022, Beach walks. This is the place of peace. 10.27.2022, Of better feelings and moments of celebration. A quick break from reality, to journey back to New Mexico, collecting rocks along the way. 11.24.2022, I’m thankful for you, for love, for family. 12.01.2022, Endless days of coiling and throwing. Through repetition, there is comfort. 12.24.2022, Christmas Eve spent watching 101 Dalmatians, keeping you company though the discomforts. 01.03.2023, Despite all, you find ways to laugh and make us do the same. 01.14.2023, Bowling breaks. Our favorite winter activity. 01.25.2023, Snow filled days watching from my window. 02.08.2023, My bed has become my desk. Bad habits created out of the need for comfort. 02.10.2023, My sweet parents. I hope they know how much I love them. 02.24.2023, A roadtrip to see the structures that continue to make me wonder. 03.01.2023, A reflection of all that has come and passed over the last six months. Celebrating the everyday victories. 03.02.2023, My car packed to the brim with ceramics, ready to return.